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     Building World-Class Organizations

Corporate Philosophy

Managed change is woven into the fabric of every business, and leaders are change agents.  In fact, leading change is THE primary responsibility of Management.   People follow true leaders because they want to, not because they have to.

GMG coaches executives to inspire their people to embrace the organization's strategic objectives as a means to achieve their own personal goals.



Thomas Watson, Jr. had it right when he said, "… the real difference between success and failure in a corporation can very often be traced to the question of how well the organization brings out the great energies and talents of its people."  Many leaders feel they have to do it alone, but they can’t do it by themselves.  The key to sustainable growth and loyal customers lies in the "team."  A committed versus complacent management group, aligned around the purpose of the organization as well as the achievement of personal goals, is what it takes.  Such a leadership group understands the vision, values, and strategy of the business and has the ability to release the innovative spirit (creativity and passion) of their subordinates.  Without such focus, a business will inevitably slip from proactive growth into reactive survival.



Gateway Management Group's mission is to assist client organizations in realizing their vision through the effective application of techniques and processes that:

  • Clarify and define the vision, values and strategy of the business and attain enthusiastic commitment to those objectives
  • Change the way individuals think about how they think

  • Align groups and teams around specifically defined and committed goals
  • Manage the acquisition of new talent to the organization
  • Direct the dignified exit of executives that are unable to adjust to the change - or - whose skills are no longer needed

Gateway Management Group works behind our client leaders to model and communicate best practices in their industry.  We focus on quantifiable measures that ensure our deliverables are completed on time and on budget and meet the agreed-upon goals of the planned change.  Our organization is staffed with seasoned, senior executives who bring a broad range of functional and product/service experience to each client.     

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